Edvolution Podcast

Healing From Abuse, Sexual Trauma and Advocating For Yourself, with LaToya Zavala

Season 1 Episode 15

In this episode, LaToya opens up about the sexual and emotional abuse that started for her at the age of five. She tells us about the societal messaging that prevented her from recognizing the toxicity of her environment and worse, influenced LaToya’s understanding of her self-worth. We learn about how LaToya finds her voice and overcomes years of trauma, limiting beliefs, and millions of voices telling her she’s not good enough. We further discuss her work as a chaplain in the military and the path to get there as a woman.

Shireen Jaffer  0:00
Hi, everybody. Welcome to the Edvolution podcast where we question what makes our life truly ours. I'm Shireen Jaffer. And I'm very excited to introduce you to some incredible people with fascinating stories. Before we get into our conversation today, I want to say how incredible it has been over these past few weeks meeting these very real people with real, brave stories. Thank you to all our guests who have spent the time with us sharing opening up and just putting their stories out there for any of you that have just needed to hear it, given the very different worlds that we're all facing. Thank you all listeners out there that have tuned in and listened and emailed me and shared your thoughts. If you and I haven't talked yet, please reach out if you have any thoughts, feedback, or simply want to talk about any of the episodes or anything else really. I'm available on

Pretty much every social media, as well as my email is available at shireen@edvo.com. And if you've enjoyed listening and tuning in these past few weeks, please leave a review on Apple podcasts or any other service that you're using. Let's raise awareness for these stories that we're putting out there for anyone who needs to hear them during this time. Thank you all. And now let's get back to the show. I have Latoya so Walla here to share her story. This is our first time talking and now as my listeners probably know, most of the guests I have are complete strangers until we have this hour together. So Latoya, it is wonderful to have you here and I'm so excited to get to know you.

LaToya Zavala  1:47
Hi, Shireen. I am super excited to be here. And I just I absolutely love what you're doing. So thank you for inviting me.

Shireen Jaffer  1:56
Of course. Well, the reason I reached out to Latoya is because I did. It was a women's founder group. And I didn't ask I said, if you have a story where you've had to say no to the norms you grew up with, and you've successfully rebelled and created your own path, please let me know and Latoya shared. She wrote up a paragraph that she sent my way that honestly shocked me. So I am very intrigued and curious to learn about you, Latoya. Let's start with how you grew up. I know that shaped a lot of what you're doing now and your journey. So tell me about how you grew up what was childhood like for you?

Childhood, Abuse, and Growing Up in a Religious Order (2:40)

LaToya Zavala  2:40
So yeah, I grew up to very, you know, industrious, hard working. Parents. I'm first generation American. My parents are from Jamaica. And so they were your typical stereotype. You know, they immigrated and then they got straight to work and Parents work two and sometimes three jobs full time students, you know, just trying to get ahead and, and work and so, you know, I really didn't have a lot of time with them. My father was not religious but my mom came from, you know, generations of very stringent, very strict conservative Christianity and so she desperately tried to hold on to that while you know, just always being gone, always working and do the American dream, right trying to achieve it. So I went to an elementary school, a private elementary school that belonged to this denomination and it's interesting because in all their efforts to do the absolute best to give us the absolute best, it was there in that school where my journey of sexual assault sexual explotation, sexual molestation began. And so my elementary school years were difficult started about kindergarten. So I didn't even know how to verbalize what was happening to me, but I know that I didn't like what was happening to me and I couldn't stop it. And I didn't even know. I was being sexually molested Wow, in some cases

Shireen Jaffer  4:29
I'm so sorry to hear that. And I it's interesting because when those experiences start so young, it is it is hard to differentiate what's okay and what's not okay. Because it's almost like that's all you know, you're so young. That's what you're exposed to. And I talked to a lot of sexual assault survivors and, and victims and that's one of the biggest thing that comes up is when that happens. You starts at such a young age, it is very hard to understand how you are supposed to be treated. Are you so you mentioned this started for you within your schooling system? As you're growing up? Did you mention it to anyone at home? What was you know, what were other adults in your life? Were they aware? Tell me a little bit more about that.

LaToya Zavala  5:26
Yeah. So they weren't aware for a long time. My mom one time, because I was I was journaling by the time I was in fourth fifth grade, and she did find the journal and found what was happening. And the boys did get caught at one time. And and, but, but we were all punished. And when I was asked individually, I was asked with leading questions, you know, and maybe some of your, some of you all who are listening you you know, watch Crime shows or, you know, and you see in the courtroom where the lawyer is asking leading questions, right, because they're expecting a certain answer. And that's how I was asked, you know, it, it was a game that just kind of got out of control, wasn't it? And as a child who thought that these people were my friends, and then I didn't want to get them in trouble and that I didn't want to be the one to, you know, let the cat out of the bag. I answered the way they expected me to answer. And so yeah, we were all we were all punished. And I must say too, that this is a part there was always an element of this is not happening. Always an element of denial, right? This is not happening could not be happening in our school could not be happening in our family could not be happening in our denomination. Right. And so there was always that element that I am probably other children. We're kind of pressing against and ultimately submitting to. Yeah,

Shireen Jaffer  7:06
yeah, that denial is strong that this just can't happen to us. We would never do something like this. Our community would never have something like that. Yeah, that denial is strong. And I see it a lot in. It's unfortunate where Why do you think that denial exists in these communities? Where do you feel like it comes from?

LaToya Zavala  7:29
Well, quite honestly, I feel like it comes from two places, number one, a protection of the faith, right? So you, you can't explain everything away, although you would like to. Right. And you don't have 100% of the answers. And because you don't have 100% of the answer is you feel you would feel exposed. And so you have you have to protect the religion you have to protect the organization. And so if we can deny it, if we can, you know, demit dumb it down, if we can hide it, then we don't have to explain it. Or we can explain it the way that we've been explaining it for years and years and generations of generations and continue on. Nothing, nothing new to see here. Right. So I think that's one right and then the other I think, is that if if we can, if we can deny it, then we can perpetuate it and I hate to say it, but there are some messages right? In denominations and religions, different religions that perpetuate bondage, just to be quite honest, that perpetuate the subjugation of women that that perpetuate, you know, sexual submission, right and so if we can keep it within the lines, and we can keep it within the boundary and not have to go outside to authorities or, you know, get to the court or you know, expose it, then we can keep it in the lines and we can keep it within what we want to perpetuate. And that is just a reality.

Shireen Jaffer  9:16
Yeah, it's quite unfortunate. I also see I guess it aligns with the first one definitely protection of the faith. I what I've seen where the denial really comes from is also people who, you know, for a bit hopefully haven't participated in those things. They they can't believe another member of their community would because they hold their denomination to such high standard, right, and they believe in ethics and they believe in integrity, and they themselves might be incredible examples of that. But they just can't admit that someone that's part of their community, that's part of their faith. That's part of that belief system could act in such a terrible, disgusting way. It goes back to protecting your fans because that intention and really comes from protecting the community and the belief system. So, I, I resonate with your reasons there. And I often find that that protection leads to a lot of that denial and just recognizing Hey, they're can be flaws, there can be some real flaws within the community that we need to recognize and understand so we can deal with them and and see them for what they are, and ensure they don't happen I got so

LaToya Zavala  10:33
absolutely and absolutely and, and the flaw is, you know, their reasoning is, well, can we ever protect the organization and what's happening then is that if you're protecting the organization over the person, then you're you're creating the space that it will happen to more persons, right. And so now you have a an environment. You have a Just a continual mechanism, honestly of trauma.

Shireen Jaffer  11:07
Right, and you're perpetuate, I mean, goes back to your second point to perpetuate. And you're indirectly.

LaToya Zavala  11:13
Exactly. So now you have to ask the question, right? Are you really protecting or are you perpetuating or are you both?

Shireen Jaffer  11:22
Right? Yeah. So you had mentioned that as you grew up, and as you got into your career, you started recognizing, there were deep set beliefs you had that were holding you back. So talk to me about, you know, growing up into your teenage years post teenagers, early or early adulthood. What How were you? What, what was your mindset? What were you doing?

Limiting Beliefs, Manipulation, and Domestic Abuse (11:51)

LaToya Zavala  11:51
Yeah, absolutely. So let me start with this when I was five, and I have this memory, so distinct. When I was five, I remember standing in the back of a church and people asking me what I wanted to be. And I said that I wanted to be a pastor. And and I remember the people who were standing around me, most of them women laughing. And they were laughing because you're female. How could such a thought enter your mind? That's not a place for you. Right? So you've got to think of something else. And I did, but what comes what came with that was, you are not good enough. You don't measure up to want to be that, you know, that kind of to hold that kind of position. And so I carried that, right. I live with that I'm a woman, and therefore, I'm not good enough to hold certain positions. As benevolent as they might be, so I carried that and, and so societal expectation, societal messaging, you know, compounded that because the messaging is that you're a woman you should be paid less, you should do less you should understand that you that you are less strong, less smart, less capable, whatever whatever it is and so compounded, compounded, compounded. And and I carried that and I carried that also into my relationships that you are not good enough and you will never measure up and so along with the sexual molestation and things that I was experiencing, I really truly internalized that. That's who I was not worthy of anything else that I saw myself as a sex object as you know, less than and no matter No matter how much I would have liked to think differently, that messaging was so ingrained and so subconscious, that that's how my behaviors carried it out. So as a teenager, I was depressed. I was suicidal, I was promiscuous. I was out there. I was rebelling, I was dropping out of school. I mean, you name it. I was, I was there, and, and just really not believing that there was much more else for me, again, because the messaging was just that. So I saw I submitted to that. And so eventually, at the young age of 17, I entered a relationship that ended up being a domestically violent relationship. I was a part of domestic violence. And again, I didn't even know that that relationship was categorized as domestic violence until maybe Two years, three years out of it. Yeah, that's the danger of the messaging, right? That you know that you intake that messaging at such a young age. And then you you believe it and you and your actions your behavior your being, you know becomes it and it's it's interesting because it carried out into my to my religious experience because I I continued in that denomination and was feeling called, but at the same time suppressed so I did missionary work I did a I did about four years of missionary work. I never felt truly supported. I never felt, you know, gratitude I never felt like I was a part of the movement or the mission you know, I was left out to dry almost died twice and And no one cared, you know, and so it's and then you were just expected to do do do do do it. What's interesting is I went I went through the same training, I went through the same education, if not more. When I say that I went to Mexico to study my Bachelors of theology, I did a Greek and Hebrew in Spanish, right came back to the States, some of the credits didn't transfer, so had to take those difficult classes over again. Right? And so when I say trained, if not, if not the same, more, right with all my experiences, and so forth, and when I call the denomination headquarters and was like, Hey, I'm ready to get out there and get a job I was told, well, the truth is because you're a female, you really have to have two or three times more so whereas I would typically give a man a job at your position, you still didn't have to go get your masters. Wow. Right. Wow. Wow. And I was like, Wow, it was it was interesting is when you grow up with that messaging you it, you know the nature of you the real deep soul of you, right the core and the essence of who you are, knows that that's not right knows that there's value in you that you were that you were created wonderfully and beautifully and with value. But when you grew up with that messaging and those experiences, somehow it overrides and you expect it and then you submit to it.

Shireen Jaffer  17:39
Yeah, I mean, that internal voice is completely suppressed. It's completely suppressed. It's it's overpowered by the millions of voices around you telling you the opposite.

LaToya Zavala  17:52
Exactly. Exactly. And so that's why I'm so very passionate about The work that I do, because yeah, it's nice when you hear motivational messages to get over the fear and get over those messages, but it is so very deeply ingrained. And like you said, the millions of voices, the millions of voices, you know, it, it's, it takes something I tell you to get over that to push through that, to have an awakening from that.

Shireen Jaffer  18:25
Now, you what, you know, you mentioned you were in your early relationship at 17. And this relationship where, you know, domestic violence was present and you didn't recognize that that was not right until years out of it. What sparked that recognition? Where did you have an awakening at that point? That the awakening come later? Tell me more there?

LaToya Zavala  18:55
Yeah, the the awakening definitely came later. It wasn't until I knew that it was an abusive relationship and situation but honestly, it wasn't until I joined the military. And I started really doing some deep work with women with women who had trauma, you know, sexual trauma and working with women coming out of that and working with triggers, and emotional baggage and and differentiating between, you know, sexual abuse and domestic violence and the mixture of the both and and then I was and then I was like, wait a minute. I didn't just experienced sexual abuse. I was in a domestic violence situation. Yeah. And what's interesting is that is common. It's common like I've interviewed for podcasts and others. things with women and that that experience of wait a minute that I fit that is very common.

Shireen Jaffer  20:14
Yeah. What's that saying? It's like we recognize ourselves. I don't. It's coming to me. I'm assuming I've heard it somewhere because I'm not like making it up on the spot, but something along the lines of we recognize ourselves and other people's experiences. Yeah, it's, it's, it's very hard. Unless, you know, we were somehow taught it or had role models around us actively practicing this, but that's self reflection, that self recognition that that going back to that voice in your head where you're, you know, telling yourself this is wrong, but that voice is just getting quieter and quieter because the voices outside are so much louder that you don't even recognize your own experience. You feel them, but you don't really feel them, you know, like you feel them, but you're not aware that they're happening in that way you don't know that are wrong, and all of a sudden someone else is talking about it. Yeah. And, and you're recognizing the patterns, the similarities in the behaviors and the words they're using and the feelings that they're sharing, and you're having those, oh, wait a minute, I've experienced that. Right. I move that right, we'll eat

LaToya Zavala  21:25
right. And it's my firm belief to that what's happening is simultaneously a spark of healing is happening. And I'm almost vital because if not, you will tend to pass it off or deny it, like the people in the community that you may have come from. Right. And so that happens to that women, you know, hear it and they're like, yeah, that's happening to me, too. But, hey, that's the way it happens. That's, you know, I mean, couples aren't new that way. This way. happens because you are you I want to call it a spell you're under that spell, you know? And you will even find women condemning you How dare you speak out? How dare you, you know, accuse How dare you step out because of the belief system that they are so very much attached to change to, if you will.

Shireen Jaffer  22:22
Yeah, what are you so let's elaborate more there. Right. Um, two things one healing. Yes. I think, you know, healing starts with first even recognizing there's healing to be had, right? I mean, I think so many people going back to, you know, people condemning this speaking out it so many people don't even recognize that there's something wrong to begin with, right? Even though they're struggling with depression and, you know, they don't like living life and there's all these negative feelings but so many people internalize that as Wow, that's just normal, like, people feel right and so you can't heal. If you aren't aware that the healing needs to be had. And I think what is powerful about speaking up and obviously why we're even having this conversation on the toilet is, I think when you start finding people that you can relate to whatever it may be, but knowing you can belong somewhere, knowing that there has been a shared experience knowing that there is someone that can understand that I completely agree litoria can truly start if you truly find that support within those conversations can start that healing process.

LaToya Zavala  23:34
Yes, absolutely vital, vital, and why I think it's particularly if it is in any way, shape or form attached to a religion or faith or belief system. Because very typically, when you're attached to that belief system, your thought process is if I leave this system, I'm condemned and nobody wants to be condemned. And not only are you condemned, but you will be out in the cold alone. And nobody wants to be alone. In fact, it's worse than want to write, I don't feel like I can make it alone. I cannot make it alone. And so I may, I may be sitting under this podcast right now and listening and thinking, Oh my God, that's me. But I cannot leave because if I leave, I will be condemned. I will be isolated. I won't have anyone my community will be done. Sometimes it's not just community, it's family. Right. And that is it. I don't even have the word. It feels impossible to people. Right. And so that's why I'm saying that that community to step into is vital. It's vital to to it, that community might be just one or two other people. Yeah, but to have one that will not condemned You that that can tell you and affirm to you and and you know just really support you in that yes there is life and yes you can be free and yes we will still love you and yes I imagine you may still actually get to whatever it is paradise heaven the other whatever it is light whatever it is, there might actually be a place for you imagine that outside of the abuse and and bondage that you're in.

Shireen Jaffer  25:34
Yeah, cuz I'm not it's scary. It's scary when the fear is so deep Latoya. rather stay in an abusive situation, then risk you going against this belief set that you know, it's it's really i mean it's it's blind faith and I come from I come from a religious background. I'm very spiritual. I do believe in faith. But it's the fear. If you're part of a community where you're being held to live a life that just does not align with you, is harming you. Yet the belief system embed such a deep fear in you that you'd rather be in that, that leave because of this fear of you know, being condemned. And by struggle that that feeling exists, Yeah, I was talking to. So I was I had just recorded an episode a couple days ago, and one of the podcast guests I was speaking to, she grew up in an Amish culture and going back to this fear, she actually had the opposite experience where, you know, she had a sheet knew that she needed to leave her her culture she knew she did not align with this belief set and she was 17 I believe and she literally talked to herself and said look, if people say I'm, if I don't believe if I'm going to become dead well it's too late I don't believe so. If I stay here because I'm getting into that fear it's a lose but if I leave and there's like this is it right? Like if I'm asked, I'd rather be screwed but living my best life.

LaToya Zavala  27:34

Shireen Jaffer  27:36
Heard and also living your shit like her. I mean, it's beautiful. But she had that she had that experience. And I agree with you that that is rare. That that is rare because again, most most people in that situation, that the influence is so deep within a community that leaving field scarier than staying staying in a very scary situation. Absolutely. So what gave you the strength?

Entering the Military, Breaking from the Denomination, and Spiritual Awakening (28:09)

LaToya Zavala  28:09
You know? I am not sure but I gained strength little by little. So when I was entering the military, I was still a part of this denomination and I felt very strongly that I should go study in at Regent University and that was contrary to what my denomination wanted me to do. But I felt very strongly that I had to do that. So I did, initially my denomination agreed, okay, we'll continue to endorse you afterwards. If you you know, commit to doing these extra hoops. I'm gonna call them hoops, right. And I and I, and I so desperately wanted the approval and the acceptance that I said, Yeah, absolutely. I'll jump through any hoops you any hope you put in front of me. I'll jump through it. Well at the end of my schooling and my training when I call the endorser and I said, Okay, I've done what I needed to do and I'm, what are the hoops, let's go by endorsers sat on the phone with me for an hour. And I probably said five statements in that whole hour. And the rest of that hour consisted of him telling me how not enough I was. And that I would never be and that, you know, he had so many packages in front of him, my package will never be good enough. And, you know, it just, Hey, everybody has to have a plan B and C, you know, go ahead and go ahead and get your plan B and C together, you know, and and that that happened for an hour Sheree. And when he hung up the phone, I laid on my couch and I bawled. You hear me? I bawled. I mean like, I grieved, like a death had just happened. And I didn't know but that is what happened. A death had happened. And I had a mentor at the time, who was in the denomination and he said to me, okay, you have a choice to make. Either you're going to believe their, their word, or you're going to believe what you really feel the divine is speaking to you. Oh, and it may require, you know, sacrifice, it may require divorce, it may require the death, but um, you have a choice to make. And initially, I could not, I didn't feel like I could make the choice to believe in the divine. I didn't. And you know what, so so I'm laying in the couch, and I'm bawling, and I'm crying and I'm lamenting and At the very end, I hear the voice of the Divine say to me, I did this. I needed you to understand that no one is the divine except me. And that was the beginning of my Genesis. That was the beginning of the awakening.

And it was a very tough decision for me Even still, I'm grateful that my husband was supportive and grateful that he was beginning to have the same awakening simultaneously, because here I was, had given basically my life to this denomination, I've done missionary work. I've been in Mexico, I've been in Kazakhstan. I've been, you know, I've been in Russia. I've, you know, you know, I had given everything and here they were telling me you will never measure up. And so that was the time Genesis and I decided to, to see. And that's that's really what it was. It's not that I believed in myself or knew I decided to see, you know, let's see.

Shireen Jaffer  32:15
I mean, I think I'm also having you know, when you're going through awakenings and awakenings happen in all different ways. I, I hear I've heard so many people talk about their awakenings and I've gone through my own so there's a lot I relate to. And then I always pay very careful attention to words people use because everyone uses different words right. And unless you've experienced something similar, I am very aware that sometimes the awakenings don't make sense to the outsider. It just seems like you You're talking about a spiritual experience, right? And I think a lot of people if you haven't gone through it, if you don't believe in it, awakenings just don't make sense. So the fact that your husband was going through his own awakening I think having people around you going through with having gone through with at least open to it is so important when you're when you're going through it yourself, because it is such an awakening typically leads to address to understand the board. Love through it. And by the way, this is just a side note but, you know, having had my own awakenings, I talked to my husband about this, I said, You know, I think more people need to talk about these awakenings because when you're going through it and if you don't have people around you that's supported that literally think your booboo and

LaToya Zavala  34:04
I'm so grateful because my husband is an engineer. So I was like, what's gonna happen? And so I really believe that, you know that that was something miraculous that he was actually going through his own awakening to. And we are very grateful.

Shireen Jaffer  34:20
Yeah, you need that support. What did is this before after you were in the military as before, right. This

LaToya Zavala  34:26
was this was going into, right because Yeah, because I went into the military as a chaplain and so to go in as a chaplain, you need endorsement. And so that was it was it was so crucial, it was such a crucial time. It was such a crucial time in my what I felt was my purpose and my calling. You know, I when I was going through the training process, I got pregnant and and lost the baby. And, you know, my husband and I were made In the decision, okay, what do we do? Do we still go forward? Or do we, you know, do we go forward and try again? Or do we wait and I waited, I waited two years to be able to join the military because I really truly feel like that was my calling. And here's this man telling me you will never be good enough. Right? And so I'm like, wow. Right. So that's when you and like you said, when you having the awakening, and you're coming out and and your right words do have meanings, and I use the word death, you know, meaningfully because that's really what it was. And and if it's connected to a lot of people, then you are experiencing multiple deaths at the same time. Yeah, right. And so my mom, my, my, my, my aunt's, my cousins who are so very stringent and conservative and felt like I was, you know, anathema that I was cursed, because I am now leaving and going to another endorser, because I believed in the calling And that was did a man I think the endorser when he called me back to see you know if I will come back he told me well you you have to be born again because oh yeah, cuz you were apostate and I was like apostate. Do you even know what that word means? I they were treating me as if I had murdered someone literally. And that was part of the awakening because I was like wow I am literally experiencing this hostility is what it felt like separation, the death bit because I was really truly following my calling and they didn't feel like I should and that's when the awakening of the amount of control the amount of bondage the the very subtle manipulation that was happening That's, that's when the real awakening started happening. And I was like, Ah, this is and how could I, how could I then go and work with women to free them to, to release them to help them break chains to help them live freely in their lives and in their purpose and in their calling and in their meaning and value and and continue to subject myself to this? I could not. And so let me I just want to encourage anybody out there right now if you are feeling this, know that I just feel I know that whatever you call it universe Divine Source Energy is going to bring the people into your life will bring the community will bring the support will bring the synergy that you need to really fully, truly live I'm just gonna leave it there live. Because when you're subjected to that you are not living. You are not living. No. Yeah

Shireen Jaffer  38:15
So, I'm curious, you had mentioned earlier your mom was super religious your dad was on. Mm hmm. And, you know, you were put in a school within your denomination, you felt a calling and, you know, obviously went through schooling for it went into the, you know, military as a chaplain, I mean, what, what, what kept you in the face, like What kept you in the community, despite all these experiences?

Deepening Faith and Life Within the Military (38:52)

LaToya Zavala  38:52
Yeah. And so in all authenticity, Shireen, I have to say that my faith is changing drastically. Because the deeper I go with, and now I'm helping women outside of the military and the deeper that I go with the messaging, the triggers the emotional baggage. I just really truly have to be authentic to to myself. So I will say that but you know, what kept me was. And I think it's what what was important for a lot of people to have, what kept me was purpose, I truly felt that I was called. And I still feel that I am called to help people break chains. And I surely because of all that I have been through and gone through. I mean, I, we could be here for a long time. When I talk about all the things that happened between, you know, elementary school and then the domestic violence situation. I mean, I was I was raped twice. I I had to have restraining orders put on an on people and like do like right so so much has happened so much has happened to me and because of all that happened to me I really felt I'm still on this earth for a purpose cuz I should have died several times when I left my my ex who was the domestic violence situation. I went to go see him some days after And long story short at the end of the conversation he turned to me put his hands around my neck and strangled me almost to death. I lost vision I couldn't breathe. Right so almost to death and I should have died several times. But I felt I'm still here. I'm still breathing because there is a purpose. There is something that I am supposed to do and when I felt the awakening of the The spiritual call to help people break chains. I really feel that's that's what propelled me forward. And and seeing it happen right seeing it happen seeing people experience it through my voice through my actions. I could not stop because it's the in my mind. It's the only reason why I was left living.

Shireen Jaffer  41:34
What was your experience like in the military?

LaToya Zavala  41:37
Whoa oh boy. Oh, my first command my supervisory chaplain in a in a staff meeting bang the table and said you know this is why women should be silent I was the only female in the in female official in the room. People, you know, coming to my office and telling me Well, I'm leaving the service because I just never had a woman and I definitely didn't have a black woman. So just not going to be a part of your service. Not gonna shake your hand in public. You having a commander Tell me, you know, what are black people going to get over this? You know? And I'm not to say that I didn't have positive experience I had I had wonderful experiences. I have friends that I still have till today. I mean, I had supernatural experiences where people you know, broke free and started living their lives and had started you know, experiencing those what I call juicy relationships, you know, those things were happening. But what I was experiencing personally what I felt was like an attack was very real. Very much, you know, what we say is systematic very much, you know, a reminder, hey, this is still here. This is still a thing. And so it was difficult. I mean, I'm sure that word is an understatement. But it was it was difficult and there's not I don't know of a female in the military that doesn't use that word. difficult. challenging. Okay, and then and then the rail right after up. This is a BS, you know, like going on. Right and then deeper, deeper, deeper. But yeah, that is reality.

Shireen Jaffer  43:47
How long were you in the military for?

LaToya Zavala  43:49
So I'm in the process of transitioning now. It will be over eight years.

Shireen Jaffer  43:55

LaToya Zavala  43:56
and we all right here. Yeah. And I will say You know, for a while my husband and I were doing military and he was in the military before I came in and he witnessed and experienced females, you know, going through it as well and him being you know more of a progressive person he categorizes himself as a feminist, right? Ah, yeah. So, I mean

Shireen Jaffer  44:25
the positive lottery a must. They bet there must have been good for you to be there for eight years. Like it's, you know, that's okay. I get the call, right like I get when you're like, man, I need to do this because if not me, then who? Right like right I, I get that right. But the amount like the amount of shit you deal with follow a calling. When you are not surprised. Did I mean I love that you found the partner that you found but man, like a supportive partner isn't enough. Can you tell me about like what what what what do you do to keep yourself freaking in it motivated like self loving? Like what do you do? How have you gotten to a point where you can self love when there's so much out there that's frankly pushing you down?

LaToya Zavala  44:55
Yeah. Um, community being a part of a community that understands that is going through or went through the same that that sees you that sees you uplifts you, right pours into you. Vital. Absolutely.

Shireen Jaffer  45:56
How did you tell me about your community and how did you find

LaToya Zavala  46:00
Well, it's a little bit easier I think in the military because well, when I was overseas because you're in a small, it's you know, it's it's a tight community because you only really have each other when you're overseas. And it's an environment where you truly understand the environment together. But to be honest, that's why I tell people I truly believe the Divine Will bring to you because my husband and I were stationed in two different cities, far cities. So I didn't even really have I had his spiritual emotional support, but he was not there. And I was raising my son, by myself. And I always say, Man, I would have died had the divine not brought me a community that I could trust and that really believed in what I was doing and help me my son lived more than half of his time with my Friends, people that I had just met, but who believed in the cause who met me and was like, God, I love. I'm so glad that you're here what you're doing, how can I help? So So when I say that I say to my sisters, when you take that step and you're living in your life, and you're living in your purpose, or your calling, whatever that is, even if it's just making lemonade, and I say just I don't mean that, but even if it's making lemonade, right, when you take that step, I believe that the universe Divine Source Energy, however you define, is going to come to your aid, and we'll bring the synergy that you need, because I didn't know where it was going to come from. Honestly. sherina had no idea. Um, you know, so, one night I was coming out of a Bible study we were holding and I was like, man, I can't find john. Everybody who's gone can find can't find them such as 9pm at night searching around the builders can't find john. Come on. Where is he? Where is he? And then I call my friend I was like, Hey, have you seen john? She's like, What? You have a car? We love minutes ago, but I said to say it was so natural for him to get in her car. Okay. Okay, that's what life was like. And it was difficult and it was painful. But I felt I was there for a purpose and that the divine had brought people to my aid the synergy that community that I needed to be able to handle and get through. Yeah, I don't say that lightly. I really don't. I mean, I could tell you one example. But I can tell you over and over so many do you know like,

Shireen Jaffer  48:47
from your belief system, do you feel like you know, you put out an intention and ask, you know, I want to attract people I align with I want to attract people that I can find community whether and or do you feel like it just happens for you?

LaToya Zavala  49:06
Um, no, I think it's both I think you, I think you you desire it you and and you speak it. I came from a Bible believing community right? And so but it's, it's what I call it universal truth when it shows up in several different sacred texts and religions and denominations, right and this universal truth that there is power in your words, life and death is in the power of the tongue. And so yes, you you gotta speak it or write it or get it out of you. But at the same time, I also think that there's something about your energy, and sometimes we say, and then we're putting out, but the energy that we have within us, maybe because of trauma or limiting beliefs or messages or things that you came from, sometimes can block that. I know, there's some people that might be saying, hey, I've said it and nothing's come. Well, well, there could be a little bit more to that. Right. What is the energy really deeply inside? That's happening? The The belief system the messaging that you're living under. Is there some kind of blockage there? So yes, but that is part of my belief system.

The Power of Words, Text, and Faith (50:10)

Shireen Jaffer  50:10
Yeah, I'm, I'm a big believer in the power words and the power of attention. And we want to say yes, but that's just, that is just maybe I don't even want to measure it, but it's not the full work. I mean, there is work you have to do within you to be able to receive, you have to heal Yeah, or start the process of healing. You've got to be aware, you've got to be open, you've got to be in tune. I tell people this a lot. So coming from my career, you know, I've ever since I was little like, I've always taken the path that everyone around me didn't want me to take and I had incredibly supportive parents. So I was very lucky in that but I always stopped Part of my community, you know, people outside of my parents didn't want me to take my friends, their parents don't want me to take. And I always say, you know, anytime I didn't do what I knew I had to do, I felt the misalignment. So when you put, you know, when you speak and you put your words out there and you feel like well, it's not happening. I always ask people will do you feel aligned? And a lot of people say, I don't know how that feels. I don't know what you're talking about. And that's really where I shift the conversation to listen, you've got to you've got to do a lot of work with yourself and, and it's hard in the sense that it requires a lot of time and you know, but when you're doing it, and I talked to a lot of people who've, you know, then started and they say, Wow, it is a lot easier than I thought it really all it takes is like sit with herself. And the hard part is when you're when a lot of things come up, memories come up. They that you didn't even know we're bothering you or blocking you. They come up like pushing and working through that. It's hard but you don't have to work through all of that to feel alive. I think most people find that once you just start becoming more in tune with yourself and more aware of why do I live the way I lead? Why do I react the way I react? Why do I think the way I think why do I take offense to things like this? Why do I feel these insecurities when you just start asking those questions and sitting with yourself? The feelings of alignment and attraction and people coming into your life that you meet to meet or be around? It just starts happening? But you got to take that first step?

LaToya Zavala  52:43
Absolutely. Absolutely. I totally agree. And I really truly feel like that's the way it happened with me and probably my husband too. And just taking that first step and, you know, and celebrating yourself for taking that first step like really feel the energy energy of being okay with asking that first question.You know, I tell people be graceful with yourself. Imagine if you've been a part of a religion or denomination or faith group or belief system, you know, or any organization that has been giving you a message, let's say for 1015 2030 years. Oh, it's gonna take some time. Oh, yeah. Work is some work,

Shireen Jaffer  53:30
right? You got it. You got it behind yourself. I agree. You got to be great. I, I am. You've you've got to be your best friend. You know, and it goes back to that little voice. We're talking about like, pay more attention to that boys guys. Like, I I need so many people in my line of work, right? Like I'm coaching people all the time on finding meaningful careers and doing work that's meaningful and living a lifestyle that they actually wanted. And most people spend so much time listening to everyone around them and how they should live. And again, like suppressing that, that that voice inside them and I just the first thing I tell people is, listen, not the first thing but like, why once we get into more of the spiritual self development, that word if they're open to it, and I think that's also the other thing, so many people, I found more people are open to it than not. I think that's, that's happening more so now especially, you know, with COVID, and the fact that so many people have actually got time to think for themselves, but but I've, when I do tell people listen to that voice inside. A lot of people say, I don't even know what that voice sounds like. But are you talking about my internal dialogue like, you know, like, what voice are you talking about? And it takes time to to understand it and recognize, yeah, so you've got to be patient. You've got to be coming. You've got to be your best friend you've got to cheer yourself on because, and I mean, honestly, you just you also have to find people who get it, who've gone either bond without awakening or actively going through it. Because they'll get it they'll understand when you say things like, gotta listen to that.

LaToya Zavala  55:18
Or, and they will understand when you question like, Is that me? Or is that another wise or not? They'll understand that, right? Because why would you have a split personality? It's that you've been under subjection to all of these other voices and messaging for a long time. And truthfully, especially when it's attached to a faith system. It became your voice because the purpose of it is to become your voice, those other voices, the purpose of it is to become your voice. And so now, because that's what that's what I specialize in, right are those triggers. So now that Is the work to really truly begin to separate? What originates from you? And what has come from outside of you. And I will tell you Sheree man, because Okay, so you said, you know you came from a religious background everything, you know, were you were you made to memorize memory verses. Oh yeah, yeah. So this is the purpose right so that these scriptures, these memory verses these these poems, these whatever it is that you were memorizing these prayers whenever you're memorizing that it becomes your voice. That's the purpose of it. You know, my

Shireen Jaffer  56:41
Yeah, I and going back to the power of the word. It's, so I, I really do appreciate the religion community religious community that I grew up in, and it's an incredibly progressive one, or the biggest, you know, things that we grew up with Was ethics pluralism, acceptance, female empowerment? Frankly, I the only reason I was born in Baucus Thawne. And the only reason I was able to come to the States was because my mom was empowered to go to nursing school in Pakistan and they created these entire schools just to get the girls daughters out in a society that traditionally is very, you know, misogynistic. I mean, it just is and and so anyways, I grew up with those ethics however, that said, You know, I think belief systems are if you ever try to impose a belief system on someone else, inevitably It comes with suppression and whatnot. So I remember just a as growing up of course, we had to memorize all these different scriptures and prayers and, and I think our community really started prioritizing because they weren't in English. So when we were taught to memorize them, it was in the native tongue. And they really started putting an effort towards we've got to get our kids to know what they're saying yes, because it's the power of your word, along with the intention. So even if you, you know if the words are important, for sure, but the intention is almost more important, so you could mispronounce the word. But as long as your intention, whatever your intention is, when you're saying that, that's really what comes across, right? And so I guess Sorry, I went off on a tangent but valued so much as an adult, right, like I started valuing it because I didn't understand it growing up. I didn't take the time, frankly, to learn the English translation of anything because it was, you know, so much blah, blah, blah, right. But as as an adult, I'm like, Oh my gosh, like it It's so important now that I do look at the translations of the different prayers. I recognize what they're saying, right? belief system, right that I repeated however, like hundreds of thousands of times, I'm sure. That is what you're manifesting, like, literally, you're putting that out there. Exactly. Well, you better know what you're saying and you better

LaToya Zavala  59:25
right and and none Yes, the alignment is the thing, right? So when I saw when I started thinking about these things, I when I when my children started growing up, I refuse to have them memorized prayers, scriptures, I was okay. And again, it's again it's the awareness right? So okay, knowing what it is that they're memorizing and the meaning behind it and what the intention you have for these words, in yourself and in your family, right, but the prayers themselves I like know what I'm gonna whatever comes out of your heart and your mind, this is what we're going to go with because Because I want you to be able to think, to think I want you to be able to think I want you to be able to communicate.

Thinking for Ourselves and Questioning our Beliefs (1:00:10)

Shireen Jaffer  1:00:10
We Oh man, oh, he said a word that always triggers a very bad thing. You don't know me, you know, personally, this our first conversation but everything I've done recently has been around helping people think, help us recognize that for so long guys like, we have not been taught to think for ourselves. We grow up, you know, in a society from a young age like I grew up. We I'm gonna put myself aside for a second. Most of us because I worked with so many kids, hundreds of thousands of kids. And I see the belief systems they run out with and it's always about, you know, me making more money and living a very specific type of life and, you know, stress builds character throughout the ranks and like all this bullshit. Right, my awakening Latoya, which was me world, I'm having awakenings all the time. Yeah. And my awakening, I would say was probably three years ago. And it was this moment of recognition that, wow, we have no idea how the world works. Like, we are not taught that we are not how the world work. We don't we're not taught like, if you just look at, okay, if money is given the utmost important, we're not even taught how the financial markets work, right?

LaToya Zavala  1:01:50
Why? Good? That's the question why?

Shireen Jaffer  1:01:55
And that's the question and that's the question I'm going to put out there because the answer is for you to find And everyone finds it differently. But when I started just asking, why are we not taught that? What else are we not taught? And then again, why are we not taught those things? Just going down the rabbit hole? And it's it's really not coming from a place of like, you know, like, what's it called? Shit where the both theories the peers? Yeah yeah it's not it's not coming from the notion of like our living in a conspiracy or whatever it's simply recognizing what is our society built on. Right and why do we live the way we live and I think that has triggered So, such deep appreciation honestly for like different things for me. It's helped me understand the reality behind things, different motivations behind things, but most importantly, Latoya, it's helped me understand my purpose, and it's helped me understand my place and it goes back to what you mentioned, right? Like, I think the biggest like I appreciate I'm having for you, but also the biggest like, why did you do it? Because you went through such trauma within a community and you chose to stay in it and didn't just choose to stay in it but chose to support right like chose to give, give give give. And then you started working with the within a community and and started hearing stories that mirrored your own and you found healing within that and then you started having these awakenings. And that just solidified this purpose you now feel for yourself to recognize this is your time to help others that have gone through the trauma and heal from it. Yeah, because I am sorry, and I I just I don't think it's part of finding, you know, going back to like more surface level everyone's like, find your passion. How do I find my passion? You it's so hard to know what you truly feel aligned with. That's how I define passion. Like, we found a passion, it's something you feel such deep alignment with. And that doesn't mean it's gonna be easy. Most often you care so damn much that is usually painful, right? Because you've been there too much. But you can only find that passion that alignment when you start asking questions, and when you start recognizing your own belief systems, right. And once you recognize your own beliefs, you can question them and then start opening and seeing I love that you stepped out earlier you just started to see Yeah.

LaToya Zavala  1:04:41
So I just want to say thank you, you know, thank you for having this forum and opening this space because, again, like you said, you know, the cliche, you can't see the trees for the forest sometimes and when you're in it, you sometimes you just don't know and i and i feel like You know, it happens often where people come out of situation and they go back to help or to go back to give back. Right? It's, it's because you now know that there are people in it that don't know that they're in it, they don't know they're in the matrix, right. And so I just believe that when we come to the light that were very often were sent back to the darkness to be the light.

Shireen Jaffer  1:05:27
It's Yeah, that's, that's beautifully said. You know, it's, it's scary to have this. And I say that because I'm like, you're as we're talking and I'm so honest about these things. Like, you're obviously coming from this from, you know, as you from, I don't want to say from a religious place, but obviously there's there's religious terminology, spiritual terminology being used, right. And I and I, and I use that terminology and I think about myself listeners, because this podcast is new. And I reached out to my listeners all the time, and I talked to them and as we're talking and having this conversation and even, I guess this week, I've recorded four episodes and they all got really spiritual, like podcasts like the previous I think 12 episodes I've published, they've been around concepts like, you know, burning out of work and saying no to, you know, like a like a more cultural expectations, right, like, being a solo traveler, like things that are very important, but are different. I think more people can relate to those things. And I realize I think there's so many people that are in on a path right now that they don't align with but just like you said, they don't realize that they're stuck and We need to have more of these conversations to help people see that look, these are two women that are kicking ass or doing work that's quote unquote normal and societally acceptable and awesome and blah, but they have gone through some real spiritual shit. Yeah, we don't talk about right. And it's not limited to being part of a religion like I am not religious. Yeah, I, I like I you know, I, my religious community, I don't really partake in the religious ceremonies or the religious like part of it. I partake in more of the community part of it. So you know, we do a ton of workshops that are for professionals and getting college kids into you know, xy and z, like, that's where I participate. But it's so important, I think, for us to start talking about these experiences that are unfortunately considered whoo for so long. Many people.

LaToya Zavala  1:08:01
Absolutely. I'm laughing because and I love it. Because again, that's messaging, right. That's messaging that came back. Who taught you that? That was Whoo. Right? Yeah. Where did that message come from? And now, like you said, asking yourself the question, is it true, right? In a way

Shireen Jaffer  1:08:26
this is like a cultural thing too, because I had a grandpa I didn't really grow up knowing my grandpa, unfortunately, he got sick and passed away when I was very, very young, but like, my mom tells me stories and she also is not you know, religious. They as religious as her parents were but like, I had a grandpa who, like when my mom got sick, someone told him that he should climb this like I don't know this pat on his knees and make this specific donation and you know, like There are so many more cultures out there that don't consider any of this stuff. Whoo. And I'm not endorsing what he was talking about. And he's like, I don't, you know, that's a separate conversation. But there are so many people that don't consider this fubu but in America and the Western society, right, we are, we are I think most people are grown up in some religious household, right, like in Christianity, or Catholicism or whatever it may be. But I think even in from the religious mindset, I don't know if spirituality though, is is even talked about, right. It's really about prayers and scriptures and and what's it called customs and ceremonies, right? Like that. Is the word I'm looking for. Those things are prioritized. And I love the most spiritual thing that's probably talked about across religions is probably meditation. But we don't really teach the essence of meditation. We don't really teach the power of your words. We don't really Teach the power of your own intuitive sounds like, I don't know how much we truly teach that. Or I don't even think it's a teaching how much we really practice that. They're quite coming from religious backgrounds,

Western Thought, Mindfulness, and Spirituality (1:10:14)

LaToya Zavala  1:10:14
then So unfortunately, I think we here in the Western society, we're more, and I don't mean to be offensive, but we're like more sheep. Right? Because it was that way for a very long time. That all of that stuff was like, you know, X ray x thing, right? And then, and now, our Western society in medicine is starting to use these things in the military, you can, you know, you may go through certain hoops, but then you you'll be prescribed acupuncture, you'll be prescribed meditation will be prescribed, right, so some of these things so now, but now because our science is starting to accept it a little bit. Now we're starting to talk about a little bit now. We're starting to You know, blog and talk, you know, and use some of these things, but they've been there for millennia, wherever ever, but I, where I

Shireen Jaffer  1:11:11
talk a lot about plant medicine. I talk a lot about you know, I think the internet have another conversation that's totally separate. But I think one of the good things that has come from, you know, us having technology is how many people can now communicate across global lines, right or national line? Yeah. And how many people can influence and you've got so many influencers and thought leaders coming out and talking about mental health and talking about the meta human and talking about the meta metaphysical, you know, plain. And just, I think so many people will align like there is a reason why I think mindful This has now become a trend, right? Like it should have been a trend like this would have just been the norm. But I think it's being talked about more because more people are speaking up and speaking out about their experiences and about making drastic changes to their lifestyle. Because they've, again, you know, we found something within meditation and within acupuncture and within plant medicine,

LaToya Zavala  1:12:27
right. And because of our society, though, because of Western society, that also is a work even to trust your own experience, right? Even to trust that Oh, man, I just did yoga and I Wow, I actually feel better and to trust that that's, that's real, that that's true. But that wasn't just a coincidence, or it's not just the devil or you know, whatever we know. Some of that messaging may try to justify it. Right but to actually trust what you are experiencing.

Shireen Jaffer  1:12:58
Yes. I have found from people who question things like, you know, acupuncture and plant medicine or meditation they say well if those were, you know, not answers but like if those were things that could help why like, why do you need so much? Like why do you need to consistently right? Like, why don't they just like help you find yourself and like build this confidence and blah blah blah. And I always respond with if you were being shot at consistently, you only use a vest or an armor or shield for one of the bullets, right? It's you then the influence, this external societal influence is constant. You open your phone the frequent I'm they are constant. You have to live with those which means you need to Understand what you need to be around what your support system is, what your habits are, that you, you know, create in order to be whole and be aligned and be consistent for yourself. Right.

LaToya Zavala  1:14:17
Right. But again, if you're not even aware that it is constantly coming at you that you are not aligned with what's being, you know, shot at you can consistently on a daily momently basis, then, then that's why that question comes, because you're not yet aware.

Shireen Jaffer  1:14:38
Yeah. Yeah. And once you do become aware, you know, I think anyone's made it this far in the episode. They're there. You're probably aware. If you're aware, it's also important to remember that it is very easy To not be aware, and I do believe, like, once you see you can't unsee like at least that's what I've experienced. Once you once I've seen different things, it's very hard for me to, you know, go back pretending there's something else. But that said, I think, again, we live in a society where the norm is very different. And so it's very easy to lose faith in yourself or lose faith and experience. I mean, I've had so many beautiful experience that fortunately have been shared with my partner as well. spiritual experiences growth, right, like all these different things. So for me, it's it's a lot easier to stay aware, it's a lot easier because I have a partner that constantly reminds me and I remind him because we've grown together and shared in this right. But if you don't have that, and I have a lot of friends, that you know, they're so low, they're single they within their own friends. feel like they're an outcast, because, you know, they're not into the whole like, and I'm not saying this in any, like, bad way, but like, I'm thinking of a specific friend. And she recently realized that she doesn't want to drink anymore. She doesn't want to go out anymore. She has like, she prefers different types of activities. She prefers to spend her time definitely. So she feels like an outcast in her social group. And it's really hard for her to stay, you know, disciplined in these lifestyle choices that she's made, because she doesn't have that supportive environment. And of course, the smiley right, like we're talking about drinking and alcohol all the time. Yeah. And, and that's like, a lot like people use alcohol to cope with a lot. Right? And so for her, again, going back to the point I was making, it's very easy. Once you're aware, it's very easy to become unaware. And so hopefully again, you reach out you start talking You use your words, you literally just put it out there that I want to find people that I can align with, that I can grow with that I can find community. And if you're someone who's struggling to find your people, your community to grow in a certain way, I just urge you to put it out there, I urge you to start talking. Again, this is why, you know, I love to hold space here to have these conversations because I personally just didn't find these conversations happening. And in this real way, by average people, you would meet on the street. And there's out there, we're not celebrities, we're just average people, you would meet on the street. And I want to hold space to have this conversation. So people realize, oh, wow, there are people like me or have who have had similar experiences. They're out there. And so if I were talking, maybe maybe someone will hear me and you know, we'll find each other.

LaToya Zavala  1:17:54
Yeah, absolutely. I will tell you shareen I was I was afraid to find a community. That thought the way we do. I was afraid because I was afraid even in my own thoughts.

Shireen Jaffer  1:18:07
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, that fears real. Like are going crazy. Now, you know?

LaToya Zavala  1:18:15
Where am I going? Wait a minute, I'm going too far what's what's happening with me, right? And so yeah, so that fear is real. And so with that, I want to say not only is it easy to, to be unaware, but it's also once you are aware, it's sometimes it's easy to be drawn back because it's very comfortable to be where you've always been. It feels comfortable. And so it's comforting. And so I just want to encourage you that you know, that the community is vital and to continue to, to be in your experience to really truly just feel and just be connected. To the experience that you're having and allow it to emerge, allow it to get to the next and the next and the next.

Shireen Jaffer  1:19:11
And I will say that was the last thing I'm gonna say and then and then we got to close out. I will say, um you know, when I had that fear where I was like, oh man, like I am going way too deep in this and you know, when am I doing the right we're questioning your own experiences, which is so strange, right? Because you're like experiencing them? Yeah, you're questioning them? Yeah. Oh, well, you start questioning your own experiences. You also got to take a look and and just do a quit like a pipe with mental model right? Like use opportunity cost and just think very well. If If you choose to live in this new direction, or you choose to live in a different way, like what I for me, it was taking a good look at my life and saying, Okay, well Am I doing work that I really value because I've now taken this new direction? Yes, I value my work. Okay, well, am I attracting people that I really liked and want to spend time with? Yeah, okay, cool. And I financially okay to like live a life that I want to live and that makes me feel like grounded and safe and provided Right. Yeah. Okay, cool. So, and I'm not saying it was a yes to all of those earlier in my journey. But if you can just take a look and ask yourself what are the things I need in my life and does going down this path? Allow me that even if it's not an absolute yes yet, but you think it could be go explore it. And if it isn't, honestly, if it's not your path, you will know that like, if it's not working for you, you will know that real quick because you're not going to attract the people You need you're still gonna feel unhappy. Right? And so that no, it's not your path and then yeah, you got it. You got to move from it. So anyways, that's just what I would say for questioning about for yourself.

LaToya Zavala  1:21:13
Absolutely, absolutely. And it does take courage. It does take courage Not gonna lie. It's not. It's not it's not.

Shireen Jaffer  1:21:24
But Latoya. Okay, so tell me a little bit more about the work you're now doing. How can people find you what, you know, you mentioned that you're eight years into the military. You're you're transitioning out you said?

LaToya Zavala  1:21:36
Yes, I am. And so I started a started coaching program. It's called Freed and Powered up. And the website is freedandpoweredup.com. And of course, the premise is to help women be free and live in their power right so to be free from the bondage, the emotional baggage and trigger That are blocking you that are causing you fear that are you know inhibiting you from living the life that you know you want to live that you know you deserve. That you were created for. And it's my passion. It's I really truly believe it's why I'm still breathing. And so yes, it's freedandpoweredup.com, and I'm enjoying it. I'm loving the women that I'm working with. We're just having phenomenal breakthroughs and life changes. I work I specialize I work specifically with triggers and emotional baggage messaging that comes from the past and yeah, it's my love. You can find me there my, my email is Latoya@latoyazavala.com If you go to the website, though, you'll find me You can contact me there. I'm on Instagram. Of course Latoyazavala_is_free.

Shireen Jaffer  1:23:00
I love it. I love it. Well, Latoya, thank you so much for the work that you do for sharing your story for just finding that strength within yourself and helping other people find it. So, thank you. Thank you for being here. It has been so nice chatting with you.

LaToya Zavala  1:23:19
Oh, Sherry, thank you. Thank you for this space. Thank you. Thank you so much for the connection for so many women who I really truly believe even right now that they're breaking free. So thank you.

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